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Stingray City - the worlds best 12 foot dive?

Frolicking with wild stingrays in the middle of the Caribbean Sea is just as phenominal as it sounds! Cayman's top attraction is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and is sure to make your vacation one to remember!

For decades, local fisherman have ventured into the protected calm waters of the North Sound lagoon to clean their daily catches. Native populations of Southern Atlantic Stingrays began to gather with these fishing boats on a daily basis to feast on the fish entrails discarded overboard. Around the late 1980s, divemasters began entering the water with the rays to hand feed them tasty squid, thought to be their favourite food.

Our friendly stingrays have long forgotten their usual shy dispositions and gracefully glide over to you as you enter the water to settle on the sandy bottom, just 12 foot below the surface. This magical experience allows you to play with the rays as they swim majestically all around you, leaving you in awe of their beauty.

Red Sail Sport's offer a 1-Tank Stingray City Dive to certified divers for just US$80!

Not certified? Not a problem! We offer this experience to Re-Resort Course students, or you are welcome to join as a snorkel passenger!

Come and join us to see why we think Stingray City is the world's best 12ft dive!

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